Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Some more episodes...

MWPete has already finished drawing a sort of two parter episode (the one entitled'Blood Shed') it looks great. Soon we will be able to show off our combined efforts to everyone. Until then here are a few more examples of episodes I have written.

Monster Kids: Trouble A-Head.

Panel: the Monster Kids are laying about in a rough circle. There are a few headless dolls (and their severed heads) littered about the place. Ivy and Luna are kneeling next to a scaled down model of a guillotine with a doll in place. Ivy is holding onto a string attached to the guillotine.

Panel: Same as above only now Ivy has pulled the string, releasing the blade. The doll's head has come off and is bouncing away. Luna has raised an arm above her head, pointing a finger upwards. Her mouth is open and she has an almost manic look on her face. the other kids haven't moved.
Caption (Luna): Off with her head!

Panel: Same as above only now Ivy and Luna are now standing, they are both looking to Skele-boy. Ivy is gesturing to the guillotine.
Caption (Ivy): Wanna go?
Caption (Skele-boy): Why not.

Panel:Same as above only now Skele-boy is now laying under the guillotine, his legs hang off of the board. Everybody else is now standing up watching Skele-boy. Luna is leaning over, balancing on one leg and whispering into Ivy's ear. Ivy has a wicked smile on her face, she clutches the pull cord tightly.

Panel: Same as above only now Mud, Vampire, Luna and Ivy have one arm raised above their heads and are pointing to the sky. They are all smiling, some more deviously than others. Skele-boy's head has been cut off. It has tumbled into the basket has toppled it over. His head lays just outside of the basket.
Caption (Ivy, Luna, Vampire, Mud): Off with his head!

Panel: Same as above only now Ivy and Luna are now running off. They are laughing. Luna has Skele-boy's head in her outstretched arms. Skele-boy's body is standing, it is pointing to Ivy and Luna. Mud and Vampire are laughing to themselves.
Caption (Skele-boy's head): Hey, give me back!

Panel: Same as above only now Mud, Vampire, Ivy and Luna have all run off leaving only Skele-boy's body in panel. His arms are outstreched and he is running in the same direction as the other Monster Kids.

Panel: All of the Monster Kids are now outside. Ivy, Luna, Vampire and Mud are all playing catch with Skele-boy's head. Skele-boy's body is running between them trying to catch his head which is tumbling through the air.

Monster Kids: ...To be a Skele-boy.

Panel: Skele-boy is lying on his back in the foreground. He is staring straight up. Standing nearby, looking down at him is Peat. The sun is rising to one side of the panel.
Caption (Skele-boy's thought bubble): Am I real? Do I truly exist?

Panel: Same as above only now Ivy and Luna have joined Peat. Peat is looking at Ivy who is poking Skele-boy with a stick. Luna is squatting and peering into Skele-boy's eye socket. The sun has moved some way across the sky.
Caption (Skele-boy's thought bubble): Or am I simply a figment? Some madmen's creation?

Panel: Same as above only now Peat and Ivy are laughing hysterically as Luna, kneeling, rests an apple (or something) on Skele-boy's forehead. They have already placed a potted plant on his chest and high-heeled shoes on his feet (among other things). The sun has moved again.
Caption (Skele-boy's thought bubble): Am I just their pawn? Or am I something more?

Panel: Skele-boy is now laden with all sorts of things, like an undead buckaroo. Vampire-boy has joined the group and is standing next to Skele-boy's head eating crisps (or something else perhaps?). He is leaning over, peering down at Skele-boy and crumbs rain down onto Skele-boy's skull. The other kids are now lounging about looking bored. The sun has almost vanished from the sky.
Caption (Skele-boy's thought bubble): How can I ever know for certain, if I cannot even feel?

That one was a little dark wasn't it? Skele-boy, or Rey (to give him his proper name) was created by Pete and neither of us had a real idea of who the character was until I started writing Blood Shed. When I wrote it I intended for his personal dilemma to be the main gag but for it be overlooked by Vampire-boy's fainting at the sight of blood. I have more ideas in mind playing on the worries Rey has about his very existence.

Monster Kids: Marvelous. (This one is a sort of homage to Marvel Comics).

Panel: Ivy, Luna and Peat are checking themselves out. They are dressed as Marvel Characters; Luna is dressed as Black Cat, Ivy is Spiderwoman and Peat is Nightcrawler (he has simply stuck on a tail and pointed ears)

Panel: Same as above only now the other kids have joined the group. Skele-boy is dressed as Wolverine (a nod to the cover of X-Men: Deadly Genesis). Vampire-boy is dressed as a slighlty plump Iron Man (with a cape). Peat is pointing to the left of the panel.
Caption (Ivy): Weren't you just dressed as Galactus?
Caption (Vampire-boy): No.
Caption (Peat): Then who was that over there?

Panel: Same as above but all on the Monster (Marvel) Kids are looking to the left of the panel expectantly.

Panel: All of the kids are fleeing the panel now. Stepping into panel are the legs of Galactus.
Caption (Monster Kids): AAARRGH!

Monster Kids: Taken With Tea.

Panel: Ivy and Luna are sitting opposite ends of a small table (their knees nearly touch... that small). Luna is sitting upright and proper as she tips the spout of a teapot into a small cup. The table is littlered with various, kid sized tea-set pieces. Ivy is leaning forward slightly, watching the teapot and teacup with anticipation.

Panel: Same as above only now the little things sip from thier cups noisily with their pinky fingers are raised. Ivy's eyes are closed but Luna watches her sister through slitted lids.

Panel: Same as above. Luna still looks cooly at her sister. Ivy is now grasping at her throat. And has a pained, shocked look on her face as she tumbles from her seat.

Panel: Same as above. Luna is looking round the edge of the table casually. Ivy now cannot be seen at all.

Panel: Same as above. Luna is still looking round the edge of the table at her sister. Ivy's hand is in view. She is pointing a finger at Luna.
Caption (Ivy): You... poisoned... me!

Panel: Same as above. Luna is still looking round the edge of the table. Ivy's hand has disappeared again.
Caption (Luna): Want to play again?
Caption (Ivy): Okay.

Monster Kids: Making Friends.

Panel: Ivy and Luna are dressed in full surgical garb. We can only see the upper halves of their bodies and they are looking down, out of panel at something. They wear rubber gloves on their hands, they are too big and hang loosely from their fingers.Ivy is holding out one hand and Luna is passing her a spatula.
Caption (Ivy): Spatula.
Caption (Luna): Spatula.

Panel: Same as above. Ivy jabs at the thing below, out of panel, with the spatula in one hand, while Luna places a plunger in her free hand. They are still both looking down out of panel.
Caption (Ivy): Plunger.
Caption (Luna): Plunger.

Panel: Same as above. Now Ivy is plunging vigorously with both hands. Luna watches the plunger. Her arms are raised slightly and her hands point upwards to stop the gloves falling off.
Caption (Luna): I think we're done.

Panel: We can now see, in a wider shot, what the little things were working on. Lying on a table infront of them is a robot. Ivy has her eyes shut and is sighing. Luna is wiping the sweat from her sister's brow with a cloth.
Caption (Luna): We were always good at making friends.

Okay so that's pretty much everything I've written so far. Be warned however, there will be more!

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

More Monster Kids...

Here we go, a few more ideas for episodes. This first one was the idea that got the ball rolling in some way...

Monster Kids: Apparelently.

Panel: Ivy and Luna are standing at a bus stop. Ivy is dressed like a witch (pointed hat, puritan dress and hob-nail boots). Luna is dressed like a werewolf. The mask is open at the mouth so we can see inside and the lower half of Luna's face. Luna has a bag of sweets in one paw, the other is digging around inside the bag, Ivy has a lollypop in her mouth that she is twirling with the fingers of one hand; in her other hand, which rests at her side, is another lollypop. An old woman is walking into panel from one side. Ivy and Luna are watching her with blank expressions.

Panel: Same as above. Luna's free paw is now inside the mouth of the mask as she feeds herself a sweet. Ivy is watching the old woman go by, she is nearing the opposite side of the panel. The old woman's head is out of panel, this shows how small the little Things are.
Caption (Old Woman): Nice costumes dears.

Panel: The old woman has walked off out of panel. Luna is looking into her bag of sweets, her free paw raised slightly in readiness. Ivy looks straight ahead, frowning. She still holds the lolly in her mouth.

Panel: Ivy and Luna have turned their heads to face each other. Luna again has a paw in the mouth of her mask. Ivy is still frowning as she looks at her sister.
Caption (Ivy): What costumes?

Monster Kids: Smash and Grab.

Panel: Ivy and Luna are standing next to a large, baroque fireplace. There are four urns in place on top of the mantlepiece. Both of the little Things are looking up at the urns thoughtfully.

Panel: Same as above only now Luna is climbing onto her sister's shoulders. They are both using the fireplace for support.

Panel: Ivy looks up and watches Luna scrambling up onto the mantlepiece with a look of anticipation on her face.Luna is very close to the nearest urn which is wobbling slightly. Ivy has clenched her fingers together, they are pressed closely to her chest.

Panel: Luna is now walking across the mantlepiece. The wobbling urn has now tumbled off of the mantle and it has shattered upon the hearth. The cremated remains of a relative rise up in a small cloud, wafting about Ivy. She is coughing.
Caption (Luna): Aunt Laverne...

Panel: Luna has moved along and has upset another urn that has already broken against the hearth. She is oblivious to the noise and the cloud it has kicked up. The cloud doesn't reach Ivy and she looks at the broken urn unbothered.
Caption (Ivy): Great Aunt Ignatia...

Panel: Luna has almost reached the last urn, the third -like the first and second- is smashing on the ground. Ivy and Luna both look at the plume of dead relative dust completely unfazed.
Caption (Ivy and Luna) Mad Uncle Yuri...

Panel: Luna has reached the last urn and has her arm half buried inside it. She has a wry smile on her face. Ivy is again looking up at her sister in anticipation, with her clenched fingers once again pressed to her chest.
Caption (Luna) Hmm...

Panel: The final urn has been upended and has crashed to the floor. Ivy is looking at the broken heap with glee. Her clenched fingers now rest under her chin. No dust comes from this urn, instead, just visible amidst the pieces of the broken urn, round shapes can be seen. Luna holds a treasure in one hand, above her head in triumph. She too is looking upon her prize with glee.
Caption (Luna): Biscuits!

Monster Kids: Death Warms Up.

Panel: A wide panel shot of some kids throwing a ball back and forth in a playing field, they are wrapped up in hats and scarves. The kids are standing in the middle ground. The few trees dotted the panel about are bare, a gust of wind blows dry leaves about. One child has stopped playing and is looking at Skele-boy who is standing in the extreme foreground at one side of the panel. He is wearing a long black hoodie, the waist of which reaches past his knees, the hood is down. Another child is beckoning Skele-boy to join-in.

Panel: Skele-boy and the kids are standing in a rough circle playing catch. Littered about them upon the grass are dead leaves.

Panel: A strong gust of wind blows by. Skele-boy shivers. A few of the kids have their hair bown about.

Panel: Skele-boy now has his back to us. he is again in the extreme foreground. We can only see the bottom half of the back of his head. He is pulling up his hood. The kids are looking at him. Some of them look a little suprised.

Panel: Same as above only now the kids look terrified. A few have turned and are running away. The ball has been thrown up in the air and discarded. Skele-boy is in the same position as panel 4 only now is arms are down at his sides.
Caption (Skele-boy): What?

Panel: A wide shot similar to first panel. The kids are running away, some are heading into the distance. The ball is laying on the ground near Skele-boy who stands in the middle of the panel alone. He still has his back to us and from behind, with his hood up he resembles the Grim Reaper.
Caption (Skele-boy): Oh...

Monster Kids: Taking Flight.

Panel: Mud-boy and Skele-boy are carefully peering into a hollow in a large and gnarled tree.

Panel: Similar to above panel only now we are a little further back and can see Vampire-boy hanging upside down from the tree. He has one eye open and he is looking down at his two friends with a wicked smile.

Panel: Same as first panel. Vampire-boy has dropped silently to the ground (some movement lines show he has dropped straight down). He is sneaking up behind his friends.

Panel: Same as above. He leaps upon his friends, and forces their heads into the pitch-black hollow His legs are up in the air as he pounces. His mouth is open and his fangs are showing as he laughs.
Caption (Vampire-boy): HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Panel: Same as above only now a large colony of bats are flying out of the hollow over the backs of Mud-boy and Skele-boy. Vampire-boy's head is obscured by the bats as they fly out at high speed. He is still off of the ground.
Caption (Vampire-boy): AAARRGH!

Panel: Same as above. Vampire-boy has fallen onto his backside. He looks terrified. His arms are up to hide his face. Mud-boy and Skele- boy are sitting on the floor watching Vampire-boy with blank looks on their faces. The colony is still flying out at speed from the hollow. They are nowhere near Vampire-boy.
Caption (Vampire-boy): AAARRGH!
Caption (Mud-boy): But... but...

Panel: Same as above only now. Vampire is up covering his head with one arm and is waving the other wildly in the air. Mud-boy has a puzzled look on his face, he has turned to look at Skele-boy, who in turn is looking up to watching the steady flow of bats still coming out from the tree hollow. His expression is still blank.
Caption (Vampire-boy): Get them off me!
Caption (Mud-boy): But... but... he turns into a bat doesn't he?!

Panel: Same as above. Vampire-boy is now running off into the distance, shielding his head with his arms. Skele-boy is now looking straight ahead again to where Vampire-boy was. Mud-boy is still looking at him with the same confused look on his face. The colony of bats has fled their hollow. A few can be seen flying about.
Caption (Vampire-boy): They're in my hair! They're in my hair!
Caption (Skele-boy): Worst vampire ever.

Monster Kids: Allergies.

Panel: The Monster Kids are all sitting about a campfire. They are in the woods. Above them, glowing through the branches of the trees, is the moon. In the dark places between the trees eyes can be seen. The kids are toasting things on the end of sticks (e.g. spiders, bugs or small rodents perhaps?) all except Vampire-boy who has a live rodent (mouse/hamster) in his hand that he is petting gently, and Skele-boy who is just toasting a stick. Mud-boy sits at one side of the panel, next to him is Skele-boy. Mud-boy is sniffing.

Panel: Same as above only now. Mud-boy is searching his body. He is sniffing alot more now. Skele-boy is watching Mud-boy, his head turned just slightly to face him. Luna and Ivy are checking their toasted things, pinching them between their thumbs and fore fingers because they're still hot. Vampire-boy's expression has now changed completely. His mouth is open wide as he prepares to bite the rodent.

Panel:Same as above only now Mud-boy is now sneezing. Ivy, Luna and Vampire-boy have their mouths open ready to eat their snacks, but their eyes are on Mud-boy and Skele-boy. Mud-boy's effluent boogers have splattered upon one side of Skele-boy's face.

Panel: Same as above only now Skele-boy is facing straight on (looking out of the panel) His mouth is open. Swamp-snot is still stuck to one side of his face. His mouth is open slightly. Ivy and Luna have dropped their snacks and are now clutching their burned hands and blowing on them. Vampire-boy is now holding nothing, the rodent has escaped his grasp and is skittering away. His eyes are still on Mud- boy and Skele-boy.
Caption (Skele-boy): Gesundheit.

Okay, so that's your lot for now. I'll keep posting them up now and again.